
Some Home-made Nail Care Tips (Daily Beauty Tips)

Nails are one of the most beautiful parts of our hands and feet. Beautiful nails make the hands as attractive as the feet. Clean nails do not only enhance the beauty of hands and feet. At the same time, it also highlights the personality. Who doesn't like bright, attractive, beautiful nails? It is a little difficult for women to maintain the beauty of fingernails. The

Home-Remedy for Nail Care(Your Daily Care)
less water you use to keep your nails beautiful, the better. But almost all the work of women has a touch of water. Nail care is possible with a little desire and awareness. Those who can't go to the parlor for nail care due to time or money can take care of it at home. So let's do some nail care.

Manicure pedicure can be done with the materials that are available at home. First you soak your fingernails and toenails in lukewarm water with a little salt, a little shampoo, and lemon juice for 15-20 minutes. Then brush the nails with any brush. Rinse with cold water. Then cut the nails to the size you like with a nail clipper. However, cut the nails evenly because the nails cut high and low are likely to break easily. Then massage with any moisturizing lotion for 5 minutes. This will increase your blood circulation.

Do not keep nail polish on the nails for more than a week. Do not use anything sharp to remove the nail polish. In that case use remover. Use nail polish at least every 3-4 days.

Be aware of using nail polish. Excessive nail polish and remover dries your nails and destroys the natural color of the nails.

Apply olive oil and Vaseline on the nails before going to bed at night. This will harden your nails and remove the yellowness of the nails.

Many people have the habit of cutting their nails with their teeth. It must be abandoned.

Many times there are black spots on the hands when cutting vegetables. In that case, insert the chopped lemon, it will be clear.

Internal nutrition is very important to keep nails healthy. That is why you should eat foods rich in vitamin B, protein, calcium, iodine and iron.

Drink plenty of water.

Adequate sleep is essential to keep every part of the body healthy.

Nowadays we apply fake nails in different ways, if we continue this process, the chances of getting fungus on our nails increase.

Those who use nail polish more will notice that the nails have turned yellow. This also increases the chances of getting infected with the fungus.

The best time to cut nails is after bathing. At this time nails are soft and it is easy to cut nails. Also, before you cut your nails, mix salt in warm water for 4/5 minutes and soak your hands, feet in it. Then wash your hands and feet with soap and wipe your nails.

Like our body, our nails need moisturizer. We brush with nail polish remover as a result of which the moisture of the nails is lost. For this reason, whenever you apply lotion, you will also massage the nails.

If you notice any problems with the nails, such as nail spots, excessive yellowing, broken nails too soon, sores or rotting nails, you must seek medical attention.

Talk about nails (Daily Beauty Tips) 

Different problems:

An important part of the hands and feet is the nails which also enhances the beauty. Regular nail care is required. Otherwise different types of problems may occur. Such as: 

Yellowing (Your Daily Care)
Nails become thinner.

Nails can be broken.

Health risks can be caused by bacteria or fungus.

Nail staining.

Excessive yellowing etc.

Some solutions:

Solutions to such problems can be found at home. Nail care can be taken very easily by taking care of a few things.
Nail Care (Your Daily Care)

Soaking in mild hot water makes it easier to cut nails. Besides, there is no loss.

If the nail is broken, it should not be pulled. In addition to the pain, the nail polish is also damaged.

Nail polish loses the normal color of the nails so it should be used sparingly.

Tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes should be eaten for eye nutrition.

Olive oil and Vaseline can be applied on the nails at night to keep the nails strong and to remove yellowness.

Lemon can be rubbed to remove black spots on the nails.

Take good care of beautiful nails (Daily Beauty Tips) 

Nowadays, when girls are ready for a party, she pays a lot of attention to the decoration of her nails. Applying nail polish to match the dress and giving a new look to the nails with nail art has become quite common. But it is very important to know that any decoration on the nail looks good only when it is absolutely healthy. Let us know what tips to keep nails healthy. 

Care of Beautiful Nail(Your Daily Care)

The first step should be to avoid putting nail polish on the nails for more than a week. If the nail polish stays on the nail for a longer period of time, then it spoils the surface of the nails. Also, the nails become discolored and unhealthy. 

Keep the cuticles clean - The cuticles are on either side of the nails in which the dirt goes away. They are so effective that due to this the nails also rot. It is good that you keep cutting the cuticles from time to time. 

Always massage your nails with coconut and castor oil to make it shiny and healthy. 

One reason for nail nails is that they are not harvested from time to time. In the external environment, our hands are the first to come forward and get dirty quickly, so not only the nails should be cleaned from the top but also from inside. For this, you need to dip the tooth in a solution of hot water and soap and then scrubbing it will clean the hands. 

While shaping the nails, take them in one direction. Their quality deteriorates due to giving shape from place to place. 

Most importantly, your food is the correct identification of your nails. For good nails, your diet should have high calorie content.

Fingernail disease (Daily Beauty Tips)  

Nails give us many information about our body health. By looking at the nails, we can know what disease we have. We do not need to see a doctor for this. Now let’s know something about this.


ONYCHOLYSIS(Your Daily Care) 
If your nails become loose or detached from the nail bed, it is called ONYCHOLYSISThis ONYCHOLYSIS often occurs on the ring finger and little fingers of the hand. These disorders called ONYCHOLYSIS can occur if a person has an increased thyroid disorder.
If too much space falls on the nails dirt and dirt can enter and cause diseases in the nails. Similarly, cavities in the nails are also a sign that there is a thyroid problem.

Heart disease:

If your nails have any red or reddish streaks or spots, they are called SPLINTER  HEMORRHAGES.These symptoms occur in the nails when a person has infections in the heart valves or inflammation in the blood vessels.
Also, the nails of people with congenital heart defects appear round and wide in the swollen state.Therefore, it is best to consult a cardiologist if you have any of these symptoms.

Anxiety and Depression:

Numerous studies suggest that if a person has a habit of biting their nails on a daily basis or 

 ONYCHOPHAGIA(Your Daily Care) 
if they continue to bite and spit without realizing it, it can be a psychological problem. These are called ONYCHOPHAGIAAnxiety, stress, etc. are called ONYCHOPHAGIA. So if you continue to bite your nails daily, you are more likely to get germs through your mouth. Therefore, bitter liquids can be applied on the nails to prevent biting or preventative measures can be taken.


If your fingernails have changed from white to moderately yellow, it means that you have
Yellow Nail(Your Daily Care) 

Diabetes causes the skin and nails to turn yellow. However it is only on the nails that the effects of this disease are apparent.
Glucose is linked to collagen protein in the nails, causing discoloration of the nails. If you are very thirsty and need to urinate frequently, it is a good idea to consult a diabetic doctor.

Lung Disorders:

If your finger is dark blue it means you have lung related disorders. People with lung 
Dark Blue Nail(Your Daily Care) 

disorders may have dark blue nails and lips. 
Nails and lips can be dark blue, especially in people with asthma, hemoglobin deficiency, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
So if their nails or lips look blue, it is best to consult a respiratory doctor immediately. Failure to seek counseling can lead to serious lung disorders.

Joint Pain:

It is a common misconception that arthritis is a disease that only affects the elderly. But osteoarthritis is a joint disease that can affect people of all ages. There are many types of
Psoriatic Arthritis(Your Daily Care) 
arthritis. Some of them are diseases that can cause changes in the fingernails. 
If your nails are weak it is a sign of osteoarthritis. As well as if there are small pits or lines on the nails it means that you are suffering from a disease called Psoriatic Arthritis.
As well as swelling in the skin adjacent to the nails it is a sign that you are suffering from lupus. Also, if the base of the nail appears red and crescent-shaped, it is a sign of rheumatoid arthritis. As well as spontaneous deformation and breakage of nails is called OnychomadesisSo if you have any of these symptoms on your nails it is best to go to an arthritis treatment doctor immediately and get proper advice.


White Nail(Youe Daily Vare) 
Some people have white nails due to malnutrition. Nails appear white, especially due to
anemia caused by malnutrition. 
As malnutrition increases, the nails become thinner, pits appear on the nails and appear as vertical ridges. So if the body is malnourished it can cause a variety of problems. So it is very good to consume nutritious foods that the body needs daily.


Melanoma is a deadly skin cancer. The main cause of skin cancer is exposure to the sun's
Acral lentiginous melanoma(Your Daily Care)

This skin cancer is caused by UV rays that break down the DNA of skin cells. Skin cancer occurs in the most exposed areas of the body, such as the feet, hands, ears and nose. Acral lentiginous melanoma is a cancer that is more deadly than cancers that occur in different parts of the body. Symptoms of the disease include dark patches on the fingernails or black lines on the nails.
Therefore, it is very important to go to a dermatologist for treatment if such symptoms occur.

Naturally Beautiful Nails at Home (Daily Beauty Tips) 

For hands to look beautiful, it is important for nails to be healthy and strong. If the nails are yellow, broken or cracked, no matter how hard you try on your hands, they will never look beautiful. But does the hobby of long nails often make you sad? Because your nails are not healthy! don’t worry! You don't have to work hard for it. You can get beautiful nails through small changes in routine.

Beautiful Nails at Home(Your Daily Care)

Manicure and Pedicure:

You must have done it. And if you haven't been serious about it yet, do it now. Because manicure and pedicure not only cleans your nails but also keeps the nails healthy. For this, it is necessary that you do a better nail care product.


Time-to-time hand massage is very important to maintain their health and shining. Make sure to massage twice a week. Use moisturizer cream for this. This massage of just five minutes will speed up the blood circulation in your nails and make them shiny. Even when you massage the nails with lemon, shining comes in the nails.

Use Quality Product:

Always apply good brand nail polish and avoid local brands. Do not use the same nail polish for a long time. It would be better to use branded nail paint remover. Nowadays you can easily find both matte nail paint and glossy in the market at low prices of good brands.

Effect of eating and drinking:

It is very important to take care of eating and drinking for beautiful nails. Eat foods rich in calcium, zinc, iron. Include milk, fruits, green leafy vegetables, eggs, fish, dry fruits. These nourish the nails. Eat as many carrots as possible in winter. This increases the pink color of the nails.

Cutting and shaping:

Do not cut the nails with a blade or scissors to make the nails look pink shiny and prevent them from breaking. Always use a nail cutter and filer. Nails should never be cut from the mouth, as this spreads the infection. Avoid using fake nails to make your hands look beautiful. These carry the risk of fungal infections which can weaken the nails.

Control alcohol and sweets:

According to doctors, eating more sweets and consuming more alcohol also weakens the nails. So control them as much as possible.

Also let the nails breathe:

Nails should be kept free for some time by removing nail paint once a week. Excessive use of nail-paint is also not good for nail health. Applying vitamin E capsules on the nails keeps them soft.

Don't let paleness happen:

One of the many causes of yellowing of nails is lack of calcium in the body. To prevent this, it is necessary to drink two glasses of milk daily. If you do not like to drink milk, include yogurt, buttermilk, cheese in your daily diet.

Pain at the base of the nail (Daily Beauty Tips)

Many times the small skin on the base of the fingernails becomes hard. Which is not a good thing at all.

The skin at the base of the fingernails is small but hurts a lot. Especially if it is tied to something or if there is tension due to clothes. So he got annoyed and let the skin tear, then it was as if he was in pain. 

Pain at the base of the nail
In addition to the pain, there are various reasons behind not pulling this extra skin. The event is based on a report published on a health website.

This extra skin is not actually part of the nails, but the skin-cells that grow around the nails. These are formed when the skin is separated from the outer nails but is properly attached to the base of the nails. People with dry skin have this problem.

Causes of pain: The main cause is that they are at the base of the nail, where there are numerous small blood vessels and nerve endings. And that's why that part is so sensitive.

Inflammation: Inflammation causes pain and discomfort. In addition to the pain, the affected area will become swollen and red around the nails.

Infection: When this extra skin is pulled out, it tears along with a lot of skin at the base of the nails. The result is inflammation and severe pain in the wound. And various things are done by hand all day long. As a result, there is a serious risk of exposure to a large number of germs and severe inflammation.

What to do to heal wounds: You can dip your hands in lukewarm water, it will soften the skin. Now remove the germs of the nail cutter with rubbing alcohol and cut off the excess skin with it. Now apply lotion on the cut part and moisturize the skin. This will reduce the risk of recurrence of the skin in the area.

What to do in case of infection: In this case, you can put ice there first. Antibiotic ointment to use. If pain persists, consult a physician.


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