
Something About Eye Care (Daily Beauty Tips) 

The eyes also need proper care(Your Daily Care) 

"The eyes speak to the mind." The eyes are the most important part of our body but we neglect to take care of it.Although we try to take care of everything from the hair of the head to the
nails of the feet, we do not have much reaction about the eyes. It is very important to remember some important things about eye health. 

Keep small fish on the food list which is good for the eyes.
If the eyes are burning, the heat generated by the palms of both hands will feel comfortable. 
Morning and late afternoon sunlight take care of the eyes. But not the harsh sun. 
 Eggs contain lutein which sharpens the eyesight. 
Spinach eliminates various eye problems. 
 Light massage on the head relieves eye fatigue.
 It is necessary to take a break from work without continuous work. 
 Lack of sleep often causes eye pain. So adequate sleep is required.

Problem of Dark Circle and 6 Solution (Daily Beauty Tips) 

Dark circles under the eyes are a very important problem nowadays. In the words of the doctor, the health condition of a person can be known only by looking down.

Dark Circle Solution(Your Daily Care) 
Dark circles under the eyes can occur due to waking up at night, not getting enough sleep, stress, depression etc. However, many people also have black spots under the eyes due to heredity. Dark circles under the eyes are an important problem for all people. However, there are some foods that will eliminate the dark circles of the eyes.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are very effective in eliminating dark circles. Tomatoes also remove blemishes from the skin. Mix one teaspoon of tomato juice with one teaspoon of lemon juice and apply under the eyes. Rinse after 10 minutes. You can do this twice a day. Get regular benefits with regular use. You can also eat tomato juice, lemon juice and mint leaf juice.


Cucumber: Cucumber contains a lot of water which hydrates the skin. Eating cucumber increases collagen production, which is essential for the skin. Cucumbers also contain vitamins K, A, E, C which improve the elasticity of blood vessels and blood clotting.


Watermelon: Watermelon is rich in antioxidants including beta carotene which promotes good eye health. It contains 92% water which can hydrate the body. In addition, watermelon contains vitamins A, B1, B6, potassium and magnesium.


Beetroot: The red color of beetroot contains antioxidants that help detoxify the body and are good for eye health. In addition, beetroot is rich in diet, magnesium and vitamin C which helps to remove blemishes.


Papaya: Papaya is rich in vitamin A which helps to get rid of dark circles and it also has anti-aging benefits for the skin. It contains magnesium and vitamin CO. Papaya acts as a natural bleaching.


Water: Drinking water reduces dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Water helps to flush out toxins from the body and reduces the concentration of salt under the eyes.

Use 20-20-20 formula to reduce eye strain, know the solution (Daily Beauty Tips) 

Excessive use of computers, laptops can cause eye damage. Proper care must be taken in time to avoid serious problems in the future. Technology has made our lives happier. The number of screentime and smartphone users has multiplied over the past few months. People were entertained during the lockdown. But now the effects are being felt. With mobiles, laptops and other gadgets constantly in front of our eyes, people are at risk of contracting many physical and mental ailments. Adolescents in particular seem to be more affected.  
Eye problems for using laptop(Your Daily Care) 

Due to virtual classes and dramatic increase in the time spent sitting in front of the screen, students are complaining of eye strain, tiredness and eye problems, irritability. They say, they  have been suffering from headaches and eye irritation since the school started conducting online classes.

Take care of your eyes 

According to experts, online classes have added to the stress on children's eyes. The decision is appropriate in view of the future of the students and not to affect their studies. But it is also true that children face many physical problems because of this! "Ignoring even the smallest thing about the eyes can invite serious consequences," said ophthalmologist and surgeon Dr. Bhujang Shetty.

Children of growing age 

Excess screen time can be harmful to the eyes. The habit of watching too much TV, sitting in front of the desktop, using a smartphone can cause eye damage. "Children who have to wear glasses at an early age cannot rule out the possibility of further problems in the future," say experts. Experts were advising to reduce children's screen time even before the lockdown started. Children's eyes and eyelids are in a very delicate state as they get older.

Field games needed 

'Eyes also develop with age. Parents need to limit screen time, especially to avoid possible future eye disorders, 'says pediatrician Mayuri Yevale. 'Spending time in the sun or in the hot sun can be beneficial for their physical development. Outdoor sports should be given priority over sitting in front of the screen for hours', said Dr. Bhujang. 'The school should try to inculcate the habit of outdoor sports along with studies. Outdoor sports are also good for eye health ', experts say.

Bring restrictions on screentime 

Spending time in the sun protects the health of children. This is not possible at the moment, so they need to control their screen time. The American Academy of Pediatrics has expressed frustration over the use of mobile phones (excluding video chatting) by children between the ages of 18 and 24 months. According to him, children between the ages of two and five should be kept away from mobiles and screens as much as possible. Parents should not allow them to sit in front of the screen for more than an hour throughout the day.

To take care of the eyes 

To reduce the strain on the eyes of young children, parents should restrict the use of smartphones and other gadgets unnecessarily. Children's online classes need to be divided into smaller sessions without taking them in a row. Teachers should assign homework and other project studies to the students keeping in mind that the students will sit in front of the screen for a minimum of time.

The brightness of the laptop should be low

When sitting in front of a desktop or laptop, there should be a seating arrangement so that the children have a straight back. There should also be a safe distance between the screen and the eyes; So that eye problems will not take over the head. There must be a distance of at least two feet between the screen and the eyes. When giving laptops to children, let the screen brightness be low.

Eye examination

Get your baby's eyes checked once every six months. Don't use gadgets when you don't need them. Make it a habit for children to play outdoors instead of watching TV or playing games on their mobile phones.

Get used to the formula -20-20-20. This means looking at an object at a distance of twenty feet every twenty minutes for twenty seconds after using a mobile or desktop.

Home remedies for eye problems (Daily Beauty Tips)

We should take good care of our eyes because we see the beauty of nature from them. Girls use expensive products like kajal, eyeliner etc. for the beauty of their eyes. Therefore it is important that we should protect them from diseases in our eyes. If they are checked

Eye Problem(Your Daily Care)

periodically, then the problems arising from it can be stopped to a large extent.

It is very important to get enough sleep, you must take 7 - 8 hours of sleep.

Vitamin A must be included in the diet because vitamin A is very beneficial for the health of the eyes.

Use good quality eye makeup.

You must have an eye checkup from time to time.

Massaging with Almond Oil relieves the dark circles of the eyes.

You should keep a distance from computer, TV, mobile all these.

The eyes should be washed with cold water 3-4 times a day. It provides coolness to the eyes.

Do not focus too much on TV, mobile, laptop or computer. If you are using a computer, then take a break of 2 - 3 minutes in 30 - 30 minutes.

Set the contrast or brightness level of mobile, laptop, computer or TV.

Should use a better lens or use non-glare glasses.

Natural Eye Problems care Tips 

Wash eyes with cool water every night before sleeping. The eyes will get relief to a great extent. You can use rose water in the eyes.
Natural Eye Care(Your Daily Care)

Be sure to wear sun glass before going in the sun because the sunlight rays cause a lot of damage to the eyes. Use sun glass to protect you from eye dust and ultraviolet rays.

Include foods like carrots, beets, oranges and green vegetables in your daily diet. Anti accident can reduce the risk of cataract of the eyes.

Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana and then turn your eyes clockwise first and then rotate anti clockwise Repeat this process at least 4-5 times.

Consumption of papaya increases eyesight. Eating spinach leaf ends eye problems. Eating spinach not only enhances the eyesight, but also lacks blood.

You should blink the eyelids 10 to 12 times in 1 minute..

One should walk on the grass barefoot in the morning.

Placing cucumber or cucumber slice over the eyes provides coolness to the eyes.

You must drink at least 10 - 12 glasses of water a day, it is beneficial not only for your eyes but for many diseases of the body.

You should sit at a distance of 7 - 8 inches from the TV or computer.

Drinking cow's milk increases eyesight.

Put one teaspoon of triphala powder in water and keep it for overnight. Sieve this water the next morning and wash your eyes with it. You will also see a difference in a month.

When you wake up in the morning, rub your hands together. When it gets hot, keep them on your eyes and compress them. Do this 4 to 5 times, the eyes will benefit a lot.

Grind equal quantity of fennel and sugar candy and prepare it like a powder. Drinking it with milk before bed increases eye light.

Exercise is very important for the eyes, it makes the muscles of the eyes flexible.
And keep the blood flow away from it. Exercise is beneficial for the eyes.

You should eat fish, eggs because it benefits the eyes a lot.

Concentrate on something kept away from you. Initially do this for up to 5 minutes. You can also extend the time later. During this time you do not have to blink your eyelids. Doing this for a few months will relieve the eyes to an extent in a month.

Blink the eye at least 20 times without stopping. Then close the eyes and relax.

How to take care of eyes properly, know tips

Your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body. Eyes are very precious and it is our own responsibility to take care of them. If we take proper care of our eyes then the problem of weak eyes can be avoided. 

Take care of eyes properly(Your Daily Care)

Weak eyes mean gradual loss of vision and blurriness. On the other hand, if we take care of our health, take the right diet and exercise regularly, then it helps a lot in keeping the eyes healthy. However, there are many such habits, which have a bad effect on our eyes. In this article, we are telling you about some habits, which have a negative effect on our eyes, which needs to be stopped immediately.

Rubbing eyes:

Avoid rubbing the eyes, as the eyes are very delicate. If you have itching in your eyes, avoid rubbing it or touching it frequently, as doing so increases the risk of infection. If your eyes are itching then it is better to wash it with cold water. This will also give you comfort and will not harm the eyes.

Not wearing eye-wear:

Not wearing eye wear can be very harmful to our eyes, as it helps to protect the eyes from UV rays, which can damage the sensitive cells of our eyes. Keep in mind, whenever you go out of the house, wear glasses so that your eyes can be protected.

Eye makeup:

We need to be careful while doing eye makeup. Always be careful not to apply mascara or eyeliner too close to your lash line, as it can clog the oil glands and breed bacteria. Also, keep in mind that you should change your eye makeup every 3 months.

Continuous use of electronic gadgets:

Prolonged use of electronic gadgets can take a toll on your visual abilities. Their excessive use has a very bad effect on your eyesight and its effect on our life is also great, such as the risk of driving due to the problem of vision can be a cause for concern. To get rid of this problem, you can make some changes, such as do not sit in front of the computer screen for too long and take some breaks in between. Do wash the eyes with cold water.

You also have the habit of sticking on the phone-computer for hours, keep your eyesight intact. Adequate sleep is very important for healthy eyes, which aids in eye repair and recovery. A good eight hours of sleep will keep your eyesight good for a long time.

This is the technological age and we do more things like checking the phone, working while looking at the computer screen, playing games and watching television, which affects our eyesight. For healthy eyes, it is important to eat nutritious food, exercise and take care of the eyes. 

  • Adequate sleep is very important for healthy eyes, which aids in eye repair and recovery. A good eight hours of sleep will keep your eyesight good for a long time.
  • Our eyes need many nutrients to function properly. Green leafy vegetables and protein-rich diet rich in vitamins and minerals increase eyesight.
  • Regular exercise not only keeps your body fit but also pumps more blood and oxygen to the eyes, thereby keeping the eyes healthy.
  • In most of the work related to offices, one has to keep looking at the computer screen continuously, which affects the eyesight and there may be problems like blurred vision, so take a break in between during the work. Take a break every 20 minutes for at least 20 seconds.
  • You will be aware about the health of your eyes by getting regular eye exams twice a year. This helps in taking the right steps at the right time in case of any eye related problem.
  • Protect your eyes from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun and if possible wear good quality sunglasses.

Computer vision syndrome 

In the current times, the rapid digitization has affected the health of the people very fast. Most of us spend more than half our day sitting in front of the computer and even if it is so, the biggest and easiest means of earning a livelihood is the computer itself. Not only computers, people are busy working on their phones even while sitting at home or even lying down. All this may have become common for you now and have become an integral part of your life but do you know that you are slowly becoming a victim of Computer Vision Syndrome. Yes, this syndrome is affecting your eyes digitally and causing damage to your eyes.

Computer vision syndrome affects around 60 million people worldwide but you can get relief with these 5 easy ways(Your Daily Care)

Computer vision syndrome affects 60 million people worldwide. These days, in all types of jobs, you have to spend some time in front of the screen, are you also one of them? Computer vision syndrome occurs when you spend too much time staring at your phone or computer with your eyes closed. Due to this your eye muscles have to work overtime. Like any other muscle, if you constantly strain your eye muscles, they get tired and weaken over time. In this article, we are telling you 5 ways to keep your eyes healthy, which can remove eye fatigue.

Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome: 

  • Blurred vision.
  • Eye fatigue.
  • Persistent pain in the neck.
  • Persistent headache

5 Ways That Will Keep Your Eyes Healthy:

  • Eat green vegetables: We have been hearing this since childhood that eating green vegetables (rich in Vitamin A) improves the health of our eyes. Nutrients found in green leafy vegetables, zeaxanthin and lutein, have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help protect your eyes.
  • Follow the 20-20 Rule: One of the simplest solutions to avoid computer vision syndrome is to spend as little screen time as possible. But unfortunately most of us have no choice. So you can adopt this easy method of 20-20. When your eyes start to feel tired or tense looking at the computer screen, take a break and look at an object that is far away from you. Follow this rule after every 20 minutes. You have to look at the object at a distance for 20 seconds after every 20 minutes. Doing this can give rest to your eyes and prevent headaches.
  • Consider Taking Supplements: If you are not able to take enough green leafy vegetables daily, then the option of supplements is also open for you. Try to get 20 to 25 milligrams of lutein and zeaxanthin daily, whether from supplements or vegetables.
  • Limit exposure to blue light: You may not be able to reduce your working hours, but you can try to limit the amount of time you spend on screens. Doing this will help you protect your eyes from the energy coming from the screen.
  • Wear glasses for reading: Wearing glasses used in studies will help you to give rest to your eyes. When you spend more than eight hours on the screen, your eyes may get tired and watery eyes. Using reading glasses helps you block out the light coming from the screen, thereby reducing reading pressure on the eyes.


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