Summer Skin Care (Daily Beauty Tips)

Summer is a stressful time for your skin. The scorching sun and scorching heat show us no patience, especially for the skin. Pollution and other environmental problems can cause your skin to lose its natural glow, leaving the skin oily, dull and dirty. Read on to find out how summer changes the quality of your skin and what you can do to hold on to happy and healthy skin.

Summer Skin Care(Your Daily Care)

Change the face wash: 

As you move from winter to summer, you need to remember that your face wash needs to change. In winter, you need a face wash that nourishes the skin, while in summer, you need a face wash that helps to remove excess oil from the skin. If you have dry skin, consider using a non-abrasive cleanser. It is also suitable for other skin types. You can wash your face frequently during the day to keep your skin clean and refreshed.

Use sunscreen:

Sunscreen should be your best friend in the summer. Choose one with a broader ultraviolet spectrum. If you have to spend the whole day under sunlight, apply sunscreen again every three hours. Make sure you have sunscreen all over your arms, legs, shoulders and neck.

Reduce makeup:

Summer however means you need to reduce makeup. Wear minimal makeup on the face to allow the skin to breathe better. Moisture and heat inhibit the skin's ability to breathe and relieve stress. Avoid applying anything thick on the face. Use a tinted moisturizer, tinted lip balm and natural eye cream in the summer to give the skin a little rest.

The Body Shop Vitamin E Overnight Serum In Oil 

Use refreshing toner:

Using a good toner can help you close open skin pores. This is essential in the summer to prevent oil from accumulating in the open pores. The T-zone of the face, which includes your forehead, nose, lips and chin, has the largest density of sebaceous glands. Pay attention to this area when toning to improve the color of your face. Use a mild and refreshing toner based on cucumber or aloe vera.

Change your moisturizer:

In summer, you should give up strong creams and shea butter moisturizers to moisturize the skin. Don’t be misled into believing that your skin doesn’t need moisture in the summer. Summer skin care requires a thin skin-friendly skin-friendly product. Moisturizer is needed in any weather. But make sure that the moisturizer used in the winter is not used in the summer.

Drink plenty of water:

Water is one of the most important components of healthy skin cells. It keeps the skin soft, smooth and radiant. Remember to carry water with you wherever you go, and drink at least 2-3 liters of water a day. Water is very important to expel toxins from the skin through sweat and urine.

Remember to take care of the feet:

You are always focused on taking care of our face. This is because the first thing everyone sees is the face. But do not forget that your feet take you everywhere every day and you need to take care of them. Regularly exfoliate the dead skin on your feet. If you want to wear open shoes, be sure to apply moisturizer and sunscreen to your feet.

Pay special attention to the parts of the eye:

When choosing moisturizers and toners for your face, keep in mind that the skin around your eyes is much thinner and more sensitive than the rest of your face. Choose a good eye gel that contains hyaluronic acid, cucumber, or honey. These ingredients keep the skin around the eyes hydrated and prevent wrinkles from forming.

Remember the value of natural remedies:

The specialized skin care products on the market work well for many people. But it is good to remember that your own kitchen will be a storehouse of the best facial cleansers, toners and moisturizers. The best single ingredients can be made in the summer using common kitchen ingredients. Oatmeal, coffee powder, cucumber, yogurt and sea salt are proven ingredients that can be used as skin care products in summer.


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