Advantages of Isabgol (Daily Beauty Tips)

Today's lifestyle has all kinds of health problems. Poor eating, late sleeping and late waking habits, sitting in the same place throughout the day and working in front of the computer all these habits damage your health. All these wrong habits have a very bad effect on the digestive system and many other problems start to occur, including constipation. The number of constipation patients in our country is increasing day by day and this is the reason

Advantages  of Isabgol(Your Daily Care)

when people are making every effort to get relief from constipation. Doctors and many Ayurvedic experts believe that Isabgol is the most useful home remedy for relieving constipation. In this article, we are telling you about the benefits of Isabgol in detail. Let us know:

Medicinal properties of Isabgol:

Isabgol acts like a laxative. It contains a very high amount of fiber as well as no amount of fat and cholesterol at all. People of all ages can consume Isabgol. Isabgol is very effective in diseases like constipation, diarrhea, obesity, dehydration, diabetes etc. Isabgol is used as a medicine or medicine in both Ayurvedic and allopathy medical systems.

Many people have the question that how to take isabgol or how much quantity of isabgol husk should be consumed according to age. For your information, let us know that it is very important to eat it properly to get the benefits of isabgol. Generally, eating Isabgol husk mixed with water is considered to be the most beneficial. By mixing the husk of isobgol in water, it becomes a sticky gel-like mixture, this mixture has no smell nor taste. Let's know about the right way to eat isabgol.

How to take isabgol:

🍂Mix one to two teaspoons of isabgol husk in a glass of warm water and take it after dinner at night.

🍂Mix one to two teaspoons of isabgol husk in a bowl of curd. For sweetness, you can also add sugar as per taste. A mixture of isabgol and curd is very effective in relieving diarrhea. Drink a glass of water after eating Isabgol and curd.

🍂To clean the stomach, mix one teaspoon of Triphala powder and two teaspoons of Isabgol husk at night and consume it with warm water.

Isabgol benefits:

Many people feel that the husk of Isabgol is only helpful in removing constipation. While this is not the case, Isabgol is beneficial in treating many diseases besides constipation. By taking it regularly, the digestive system is maintained, due to which many other problems related to the stomach are also cured. Let us know what are the benefits of Isabgol:

Isabgol is helpful in relieving constipation: All stomach problems are caused by constipation only. Therefore, it is important to treat constipation first, which automatically fixes the remaining problems. The high amount of fiber present in isabgol acts like a laxative. Take isabgol mixed with water after one hour of eating and after that drink one or two glasses of water. It increases the mobility of the intestinal muscles and makes the stool soft, which makes it much easier to bowel. Constipation is cured by taking Isabgol for a few days.

Diabetes: Gelatin is found in isabgol which slows down the process of glucose dissolution and absorption. Which helps in controlling diabetes or diabetes. Several researches have confirmed that the intake of fiber-rich foods in the diet reduces insulin and blood sugar levels, which makes it easier to control diabetes.

Isabgol is helpful in losing weight: Every third person is troubled by obesity and he is trying every way to get rid of obesity. While there are some ayurvedic methods with which it is very easy to lose weight. In many cases, weight gain also occurs due to the lack of proper stomach. In such a situation, taking Isabgol clears the stomach in a good way and helps in reducing weight. Apart from this, eating isabgol makes you feel full late, due to which you avoid eating anything unnecessarily.

Useful in the treatment of piles and fissures: Constipation is the main reason for having piles and fissures. Due to the lack of proper digestion and difficulty in excretion, the veins around the anus swell and cause piles. If you are taking isabgol, it increases the amount of water in your stool and makes it more soft, which makes it easier to bowel and does not cause pain during that time. Therefore, the patients of Piles and Fissure should take Isabgol as per the doctor's advice.

Beneficial for the heart: This isabgol husk does not contain cholesterol at all and the amount of fiber is very high. According to research, the inclusion of fiber-rich things like isabgol in your diet reduces the risk of heart-related diseases. It helps in lowering blood pressure, increasing lipid levels and strengthening the heart muscle. In this context, it is very useful in keeping the heart healthy.

Beneficial in the treatment of diarrhea: Apart from relieving constipation, Isabgol is also very effective in preventing diarrhea or diarrhea. Most doctors recommend eating Isabgol as a home remedy for diarrhea. If you have diarrhea, eat Isabgol mixed with curd (isabgol with curd). Due to the probiotic properties of curd, it cures the infection quickly, while isabgol prevents diarrhea.

Relaxation of acidity: Sometimes acidity is a common problem in the stomach after eating some harmful things. Often this problem is more after eating dinner. Acidity causes flatulence or sour belching. If you are often suffering from this problem, then the husk of isabgol can prove to be very beneficial for you.


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